Merchant & Commander








Venice. Another Shakespeare town. Shares
with Denmark and Verona the Distinction of a title,
of place that draws in character and soul.

Coigns of theatre and surprise hiding dark
corners, alleys with secrets, doors that rarely
open or admit the truth – contriving scenes
of perfect unity for art, for sightlines on a stage.

So here we stop to think of who we are,
which scene we enter, which line upon our lips.
Do we leap into a boat to exit slow?
Or stand upon a bridge delivering, to rousing

clash of swords? We may wait beneath
a balcony for jealousy to come, or princess
to reveal through nimble tongue her heart.

Oh, place of missing argosies and clever girls –
of handkerchiefs and arch deceivers! Taste justice hidden
in the eaves, or carried over barely moving waters.

One thought on “Merchant & Commander

  1. ‘Oh, place of missing argosies and clever girls –
    of handkerchiefs and arch deceivers! Taste justice hidden
    in the eaves, or carried over barely moving waters.’

    La Serenissima perfectly described! Thank you. Venice is, as you know, John, after Hoole my favourite place.

    ‘Coigns of theatre and surprise hiding dark
    corners, alleys with secrets, doors that rarely
    open or admit the truth – contriving scenes
    of perfect unity for art, for sightlines on a stage.’


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